Known problems of MDA Client for Android

Known problems of MDA Client for Android


The Android Client for Android currently has the following known problems:

Obsolete with 1.1.0: The lack of a mounted memory card is not detected


If no memory card is present, or if the device has not mounted or even unmounted the memory card due to contact problems, configuration can not be read and data can not be read or written.


Data loss can occur.



Solution status

MDA-Client 1.0.5 uses the internal memory as primary storage, 1.1.0 totally stops mirroring pending or suspended tours to the SD card. Configuration files on the SD card are still respected.

Fixed with 1.1.0: Rotating a the handheld or sliding a physical keyboard resets the current page


If a rotation-aware android device is rotated, or if a physical keyboard is sled in or out, the current activity resets.


This may cause loss of the measurement value currently beeing entered and eventually forces the measurement to be re-done.


Low, because the devices used by costumers so far are not affected due to lack of rotation awareness or slidable physical keyboards.

Solution status

Fixed with MDA-Client 1.1.0.

Known Problems of specific Android devices

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