Releasenotes MDA Client for Android

Releasenotes MDA Client for Android

GA Releases

released onChanges
  • Migrating BlackBerry builds from Good Dynamics to Blackberry Dynamics, aligning GD App ID with Android App ID, extending full_backup_content.xml with exclusion gdstartupContinuum
  • Upgrade of several build environment components (buildToolsVersion, JDK generation, ...)
  • Signing APKs with apksigner now, satisfying new "APK Signature Scheme v2" in addition to "JAR signing" (v1)
  • Started new generation of signing keystore. Public parts: iteg_2017_certs.pem, iteg_2017_pubkey.pem
  • Korrektur GDApplicationID
  • Signing APK with SHA-256 now
  • Separating GDApplicationIDs to allow distribution of different build variants in one BES environment
  • Raising version to reflect end of 2.x beta phase
  • Raising target Androids to 5.0-8.0
  • Making texts smaller, hence UI usable on modern smartphones
  • Optimizing decimal number editing to be usable with buggy onscreen keyboard of Samsung XCover 3
  • Support for operation in BB UEM jail using GD Library for HTTP(S) connections
  • Support to use IMEI, Android_ID, Phone. Nr. as dynamic device ID
1.2.2 (NN)TBAEventual Bugfixes to 1.x branch

1.2.1 (1401)

  • HTTP(S) requests to server now come with extended User-Agent header and additional X-MDA-* headers, to collect information about client's software version and track rollouts
  • Workaround to avoid uncritical Exception MDAAPK-20, which occured when the Server Sync Acitivity re-runs and fails while the device is still busy waking up

1.2.0 (1371)

  • Introduces concept of configurable scanType, and a new scanType:
  • Fixed MDAAPK-16: If suspended tours fail to get written to the storage completely, starting any tour became impossible. Now those damaged files are "migrated" into a failure report, getting them uploaded to the server for eventual manual "recovery" of measurement data already entered.
  • To reduce occurences of MDAAPK-16 situations, specified and implemented MDAAPK-17, optimizing writing of tour xml files by a factor of 10:
    • Only the youngest "former measurement" is carried along, reducing the size of those xml files by up to roughly 49%
    • Tour files are written with a more efficient XML creation approach, and buffered
  • Workaround for MDAAPK-18, a NPE for which I have no idea how it could have happened
  • In case of an unexpected Exception (like MDAAPK-18), the UncaughtException report is now accompanied by logcat output, which might include hints on the exact situation
  • Fixed MDAAPK-19, wrong refusal of inserting digits in decimal value after comma but before the end

1.1.3 (978)

  • Proposal for next measurement point to read now proposes the next un-finished measurement point, not the first un-finished measurement point
  • Employee selection page shows Tour name and system date, to make visible which tour had been selected
  • Extended recognition of allegro's left orange function key as back button
1.1.2 (964)2013-01-31
  • After sync error message is confirmed, client now goes to main screen, making it clear that there are no automatic retries
  • MDA Admin proposes Backend and Update URIs to allow faster initial configuration
  • MDA Admin connection test 
    • now works in background (making it compatible with newer Android versions), and gives back more information in case of an error
    • now requests new connectionTest servlet instead of employee list
  • Fixed missing recalculation of calculated values after using back button within complex measurement profiles
  • Fine tuned display of download and upload progress
  • Barcode variant of "fast mode"
  • Easy way to go back to most recently saved measurement
  • Server sync now starts with connection test to clearly distinct from tour XML problems
  • Server sync checks difference between android system time and server time, and prints a warning if the difference is larger than 5 minutes
 1.1.1 (910)2012-01-07 
  •  2 final UI enhancements

Historic Beta and RC Releases

released onChanges
1.1.0 (903)6.1.2012
  • Introducing MDA Admin for configuration and other maintenance tasks
  • Measurement profiles fully dynamic.
  • Decimal number format handled better with unified internal representation but localized user presentation.
  • Dropped mirroring of pending and suspended tours to SD card, due to poor reliability of memory cards. The hypothetical situation of a device dying without the memory card beeing damged seems negligable.
  • Tour navigation enhancements
    • Tours can be aborted, not only suspended
    • The first page of a measurement assistant for a single measurement point does not force performing the measurement.any more. It is possible to go back and more using the back and menu buttons.
    • There is now a "fast mode" that jumps to the next measurement point right away. With the newly introduced options (see former change list item) it is still possible to switch elsewhere.
    • When barcode scanning is used to change the order of measurements in a tour, there is no more backcheck, only a passive information
    • The tour to start can now be selected faster because the step "select from list" has been eliminated
    • When starting a tour and selecting the employee to assign, the most recent employee to start a tour can be assigned with one click
  • Crash reporting (without data leaving the organisation): If a crash occurs, a detailed report is created and persisted. Data synchronization with the MDA server uploads these reports to the server, which then can be given to developers.
  • Fixed empty userId and wrong employee name after scanning user barcode
  • Implementing lot's of feedback from 2 intense test rounds by first customer
  • Refactored entering of measurment data to use generic screens ("activities"), removing 1 of 2 hard-coded layers of measurement profile processing
  • Several minor other fixes and enhanements
  • Changed storage policy. Internal Storage is now the main storage, SD card only use for backups of pending tours and configuration injection.
  • All buttons supporting the allegro's orange function key now have right arrow
  • NPE at redoing of a Measurement from the End-Of-Tour-Screen fixed
  • Demo tours may now have 16 measurement points
  • Main screen now has direct link to WLAN and network settings (will be moved to a less aggressive place lateron)
  • When synching, downloads now happen before uploads, so upload problems (like xml disputes with server) do not block updates of download data
  • Tours refused by the server with a bad response code (like in case of xml disputes) are now moved aside to a directory tours/upload-failures/
  • Demo app now uses https: connection to mda-demo.iteg.at
  • Main screen menu now provides short links to WLAN and system settings (can be configured away though)
  • Removed obsolete "Exit" from main screen menu
  • Minimal Android version now 2.2, not 2.3.3. Sideeffekt: No "installated on" date in about-box and update screen, no SERIAL in about-box
  • Detection of missing memory card
  • Measureround selectable using Barcodes
  • Navigation buttons (Next, Previous) now contains arrows and are closer to skeye.allegro's orange function buttons that trigger them
  • Several other usability and robustness enhancements
  • First public RC

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