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If you are interested in trying out one of our server products, please contact us so we can arrange temporary access to the installer packages.

Installing Apache Karaf

Karaf is an OSGi container from the Apache foundation.


There is no need to start Karaf it right away, we will always need to perform configuration tasks first.


Configurating of Apache Karaf

The basic configuration of Apache Karaf is covered in a separate page, Basic Configuration of Apache Karaf.


Just execute the installer, bundles-pkg-X.X.X.X-setup.exe, and walk it through.

Feel free to Please un-select some components not required:

  • GWT bundles are only required for some older product versions, especially TISGraph for Wiski 7.1 environments.
  • fancymail server bundles and GWT fancymail admin bundles are only required in one single customer environment so farnot usually required

The debian packages are called apache-karaf-osgi-bundle-activator resp. osgi-bundles-*.


For Windows, just download and execute the newest installer, foo-bundles-X.X.X.X-setup.exe, from the product specific folder on and work it through. 

The debian packages are named accordingly,  foo-bundles-*.
