Installing OSGi Server Components for Common Setups

Installing OSGi Server Components for Common Setups


The following chapters provide a list of the components usually required when setting up one of our OSGi based server products.

Installation Package Download Sites

Basic information about how to retrieve installation packages are available in OS specific pages in our Common Documentation space:

Access to most download sites is restricted.

If you are interested in trying out one of our server products, please contact us so we can arrange temporary access to the installer packages.

Installing Clazzes.org OSGi-Runner

Felix is an OSGi container from the Apache foundation and has been packaged by us in an open source effort together with an ssh console as a package called osgi-runner.

On Windows servers, download the installer, osgi-runner-X.X.X-X-setup-x64.exe, from fx.iteg.at and work it through.

In Debian installations, install the package osgi-runner-server.

There is no need to start the osgi-runner service it right away, we will always need to perform configuration tasks first.

Configurating of osgi-runner

The basic configuration of OSGi-Runner is covered in a separate page, Basic Configuration of osgi-runner.

For production setups, please read that through!

For Quick Start in pure test environments there is a Quick Start hint on the top of it.

Installing Bundles-Pkg

This package contains a bunch of common OSGi bundles providing several libraries ITEG's OSGi based server products rely on.

Just execute the installer, bundles-pkg-X.X.X.X-setup.exe, and walk it through.

Please un-select some components not required:

  • GWT bundles are only required for some older product versions, especially TISGraph for Wiski 7.1 environments.
  • fancymail server bundles and GWT fancymail admin bundles not usually required

The debian packages are called osgi-runner-osgi-bundle-activator resp. osgi-bundles-*.

Installing JDBC Drivers

Most of our OSGi based server products require a relational database to store it's data (or most of it at least).

To access the relational DBMS providing the database, the according JDBC drivers have to be installed.

On Windows this means to copy the Drivers into the drivers\ subdirectory of the osgi-runner installation, usually C:\Program Files\osgi-runner\drivers\.

Typical names of the drivers are:

  • for MSSQL: sqljdbc4.jar ("4" does not refer to the driver version but to the version of the JDBC API)
  • for MySQL: mysql-connector-java.jar
  • for Oracle: ojdbc6- resp. ojdbc7-

Feel free to use either the drivers from fx.iteg.at or from the manufacturer of the database server.

Warning: Some environments (clustering, ...) may require the installation of a very particular driver version. This is why we have not included this in any of our installers.

For debian we provide packages containing the drivers mentioned above, the packages are called osgi-runner-mssql, osgi-runner-mysql, and osgi-runner-oracle11 resp. osgi-runner-oracle12.

Installing Application Bundles

The core application of our OSGi based server products comes in the form of one ore more application specific bundles package(s).

The following paragraphs use "myItegProduct-" as pattern. "myItegProduct-bundles-X.X.X.X-setup.exe" means "tisgraph-bundles-X.X.X.X-setup.exe" for TISGraph installations,  "mda-server-core-bundles-X.X.X.X-setup.exe" for MDA server installations, and so on. The same applies to the names of debian packages.

If unsure which packages to download, re-read the first chapters of the product specific installation manuals, like /wiki/spaces/TISGMAN/pages/2005040468, Downloading and Installing the MDA Server components.

For Windows, just download and execute the newest installer, myItegProduct-bundles-X.X.X.X-setup.exe, from the product specific folder on fx.iteg.at and work it through.

The debian packages are named accordingly,  myItegProduct-bundles-*.

Some installations of some applications require an additional package specific to the customer or a particular third party component to use. The product specific installation manuals have the details.

Starting the osgi-runner Service

Now is the right time to start osgi-runner.

In Windows, start the Windows' Service Manger (services.msc, as Administrator) and start the Service osgi-runner.

Alternatively, you may enter net start osgi-runner on a Windows command in administrator mode.

In Linux, just call /etc/init.d/osgi-runner start.

Hint: Start happens asynchronously

Like many servers, "started" does not necessarily mean "up and available".

osgi-runner starts asynchronously int the background, and it and may take a minute or more for it to become up and available.

Continue with the Configuration

Now is the right time to to continue with the product specific configuration editing the osgi-runner's config files or using one of the web based configuration managers as described at the bottom of the Basic Configuration of osgi-runner page.

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