Maven repositories for Maven packages

Maven repositories for Maven packages

About ITEG's Maven Repositories

While ITEG sometimes uses C++, Perl, Shell scripts, and other beauties, most of our products are written in Java, using Apache Maven for build and dependency management.

This is only managable because we run several Maven repositories.

Closed source software and distributions

Maven repositories with closed source software (and some proprietary re-packagings of Open Source projects) are available from http://maven.iteg.at/.

Access to most of it is restricted, but anyone needing access should have been granted such.

Open Source software

ITEG strongly believes in the concept of putting re-usable basic functionality in Open Source components.

Together with partners we have created an Open Source project, Clazzes.org.

Maven repositories for our Open Source components are therefore available from http://maven.clazzes.org/.