Versionen im Vergleich


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  • Download the newes installers of all components that shall be updated. It is usually a good idea to check all components' Folders on for new installers and update all updates available.
    Components usually inlcude:
    • Apache Karaf, apache-karaf-X.X.X.X-setup-x64.exe, in the Folder "Apache Karaf Installer".
    • Bundles Pkg, the common OSGi library bundles, bundles-pkg-X.X.X.X-setup.exe, in the Folder "OSGi base bundles".
      Every now and then new JDBC drivers are put in the same folder.
    • For TISGraph only: tisgraph-bundles-X.X.X.X-setup.exe and wiskidataaccess-*.jar in the "TISGraph Installers" folder.
    • For MDA only: mda-server-core-X.X.X.X-setup.exe in the "MDA Core installers" resp. mda-server-mycompany-X.X.X.X-setup.exein the individual folder for Your organization.
  • To be faster lateron, open the relevant folders where work is to be done, including eventual manual rotation of log files or cleanup of tmp directories.
  • Stop the Karaf service (sc stop karaf, sc query karaf ...).
  • Make sure the Karaf service is stopped.
  • Eventually do manual cleanup work, like log file rotation, cleanup of tmp folders, database backups, whatever one feels apropriate to do.
  • If You tend to click to fast, slow down right now. Eventually perform the uninstallers of the currently installed versions of the components to update before starting the new installers.
  • If Karaf is to be updated, execute the new Karaf installer (apache-karaf-X.X.X.X-setup-x64.exe). Make sure to accept it's offer to start the uninstaller of the Karaf currently installed.
  • If Bundles-Pkg is to be updated, execute the new installer (bundles-pkg-X.X.X.X-setup.exe). Make sure to accept it's offer to start the uninstaller of the Bundles-Pkg currently installed.
  • If application bundles are to be updated, execute all new installers (*-bundles-X.X.X.X-setup.exe). Make sure to accept their offers to start the uninstaller of the according bundles package currently installed.
  • If You have received a list of special steps to be performed, perform them now.
    Examples  are:
    • Editing configuration files in Apache Karaf's etc\ folder or prepared copying configuration files there (eventually we have sent prepared config files via E-Mail)
    • Replacing the JDBC driver with a newer one (Apache Karaf's drivers\ folder)
  • Start the Karaf service (sc start karafsc query karaf ...).
  • Wait a minute or two.
  • Try to login into the application.
