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This central page describes once and for all the meanings of all action icons used in MDA's web interface:

General actions

RefreshRefreshes the view, re-loads data from the server.
PreferencesShows a specialized preferences dialog.
Exit / BackNavigates back on step or level.

Object and object list actions

NewShows a form to create a new object of the type the current screen is about, i.e. a new measure round.
DeleteDeletes the object.
EditShow a form to edit (change) the object.

Exports the data of an element or the data matching the search query to an .XLSX file.
Unfortunately many export actions do not give any feedback while the data are collected, please do not click twice.

Print to PDF"Prints" the data shown or the data of an element to a PDF file which is then downloaded.
SearchPerform the search.
ShowShow the data of an element in the web browser.

Form actions

Clear, ResetReset a form, i.e. empty the fields.
RevertReverts changes made in a form.
SaveSaves a new or changed object.

2-List management actions

In serveral situations a group of object is split in two lists (tables), i.e. the available objects in the left list and the chosen objects in the right list.


As common, multiple objects in a list can be selected pressing the control key or shift key while clicking on items.

Status icons


ActiveThe object listed in this row is in a good and normal state, active, OK, allowed.
InactiveThe object listed in this row is not active, forbidden, or marked as deleted.